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Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Importance Of Having An Insurance

What is an insurance?it is the act,system,or business of insuring property,life,one's person,etc.,against loss or harm arising in specified contingencies,as fire,accident, death, disablement,or the like,in consideration of a payment proportionate to the risk involved.The the contract itself, set forth in a written or printed agreement or policy.How important is it really to have an insurance?Having an insurance is really important because it is a safe way to have a back up for the things that are important to you like your house,auto/car,health,loved ones and other things that are really valuable to you.When I was in the Philippines I really did not care of getting insurance,when somebody tried selling me insurance,I would just say No,Thanks!But when I got here to the States I realized how important insurance is.Here in the States everything is almost insured especially when you have a car,it is against the law if you do not have an auto insurance.Be safe,be insured!


an euphonious is for life, not just xmas!