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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Going to College

Guest written by our friend Gladys Fuentes

I’m starting Ohio State University this summer, and I cannot wait to leave home. My parents are worried about me because I was unable to get on campus housing, so I will have to live in my own apartment off campus. I keep on telling them that a lot of students do this, but they are still being so annoying about it. I am going to have roommates, and we will all be fine. I am trying my best to be responsible and prove to them that things will be fine. I have already looked into getting columbus clear internet so that I can be on top of all of my schoolwork no matter where I am. I have also filled out all of the financial aid forms and started researching majors so I won’t have a hard time figuring out what classes I am going to take. I am hoping that my behavior will make them feel better about me being on my own in off campus housing. I know it is hard for them to let go, but they are going to have to learn to deal with the fact that I am all grown up and will be on my own soon.


an euphonious is for life, not just xmas!